Summer plans and other thoughts
It has been a while! I am just wrapping up my semester and can't wait for the summer. My plan is to truly enjoy this summer. I want to cycle around the city, eat ice cream, read mindless page-turners, go to the movies, hang out with friends, etc. Just really fun summer stuff.
And music ideas have also been emerging. So a few releases can be expected :)
Recently I've been feeling a loss of purpose. With my semester wrapping up, all the courses and clubs I've enrolled in are ending. What am I to do next??? This is something I need to figure out.
I also wanted to write a blog post today on something that has been bugging me. I am someone who thinks directly. When there's something I want to find out, I ask it. It's kind of like googling something. If there's something you need to know, you start by looking it up. When it comes to people, I approach it similarly. But I'm realizing there are all these rules, some of which serve a good purpose. I didn't think there was anything wrong with asking someone how they feel about you. But now I'm realizing it can put people in a trickly place. Sometimes the other person's experience or perception is very neutral compared to yours. Maybe communicating clearly on some things can actually worsen the situation. While it can be frustrating, maybe it's good to just go with the flow and not verbalize everything into clear-cut words sometimes.
That's the update! Until next time,